Thursday, May 29, 2008


May29Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Huge storks flew in to join the local egret at the pond at work, they were like bulls in a china shop, beautiful in flight but stomping around in the pond stirring up the mud... the poor egret was appalled I could tell LOL

Tony's Day 3 of my scene

Tony's Day 3 of my scene, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Tony flipped my painting over and using my brushes (which he HATED) painted the scene I chose for day 3. He said it was a wonder I managed to do as well as I did my brushes were so bad... sure wish I'd known what a difference it could make.

My 3rd WC

My 3rd WC, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

This is my third Watercolor, sections were unfinished... if was very hot and humid so I stopped and did the roof tops in my Journal (see journal page for 5/28)

Reference photo was taken at low tide, by the time I finished there was water in the picture LOL . a spot to paint with shade is a MUST in Charleston.

Reference Day 3

Reference Day 3, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

This is the view I tried to paint (and put in my journal) ... that big black thing is Sullivan Island Light.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


May28Art_001, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Very hot and humid today, 2 folks left the class early... didn't even say goodbye, just packed up and left, Tony could be brutal in his criticism and they just couldn't take it. He was surprised I think, but was very nice to the rest of us the rest of the day LOL Met Elizabeth and she and I may get together and paint some... she lives on IOP. I'm exhausted and will load the pics from the camera tomorrow.. for my fans.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


May27Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Another long day... learning, painting, learning some more... great fun.

My second WC

My second WC, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

I'm pleased with my water, and reflections... house is again TOO big and off kilter big time

Tony's Day2 Finished painting

Tony's Day2 Finished painting, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

This was Tony's finished demo... it only took a life time of practice and then about 1 hour for him to paint this...

Tony sky step 3

Tony sky step 3, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

His sky's are simple amazing to watch him do... and impossible to copy.

Tony Day 2 Value study

Tony Day 2 Value study, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Tony's Day 2 Value study

Day2 Reference

Day2 Reference, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

This is the reference, and Tony painting it.

Monday, May 26, 2008


May26ART, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

I learned so much today my brain hurts... it was a great day, and I'm looking forward to doing it again tomorrow... I learned what I need to practice... and I took WAY too much stuff, and not nearly enough water... for the paint or for me. Afraid my journal suffered.. as I'm too tired to really do anything else except go to bed.

My first WC

My first WC, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Here's my first watercolor painting... it was fun and it's a start... and I learned a LOT it was amazing how different everyone's painting of the same house was.

Tree practice

Tree practice, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Tony showed me how to hold the brush and make a tree and a palmetto... so I practice trees for a while

My value study

My value study, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

My value study... Tony actually said I did this better than the actual painting... he said I made the house too big... I should have made it smaller.

Tonys demo

Tonys demo, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

This is Tony's mostly finished painting... he did do a few more things but this was basically done.

Tonys Value study

Tonys Value study, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Rough sketch, then using Paynes grey paint a value study of only the shadows... should take less than 15 mins to do

The reference 5/26/2008

The reference, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Spent the day today, painting this house on Sullivan's Island with instructor Tony van Hasselt.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


May25 , originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

I had a long awaited lily bloom this morning, and the Glad's joined the show. I do love my flowers this time of year. Tony van Hasselt workshop starts tomorrow, rode over to Sullivan's Island today... it was a ZOO traffic was HORRIBLE... guess that's why we never go to the beach there.. LOL Can't wait, hope I don't make a fool of myself.


May24ART, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Busy day for us yesterday, but lucky for over next door neighbor Ron made a run to the grocery store after we got home from the Palmetto Jeep club ride. He didn't see the old man on his way out, but saw him lying face down in the front yard... he ran in the door and told me, I called 911 and in short order the paramedics took him away, it looked like he either broke his arm or dislocated his shoulder... he's 75 years old and might have died out there if Ron hadn't noticed him... as the sun went down and it got quite dark by the time the medics arrived.

MayFlowers 019

MayFlowers 019, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Finally I have lillies... this is the first one to bloom...


MayFlowers Glads, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Blooms this morning.... 5/25/2008

Friday, May 23, 2008


May23Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Saw a website today that suggested drawing the floor plan of the house you grew up in... so here's mine...interesting how just doing this brought back so many childhood memories... which is astounding because I find it hard to remember my name some days... LOL

Finished the Spring Fling ATC cards and put them ALL in the mail today... glad to dust my hands off and call that little unpleasant task DONE whew.

Jeep folks getting together tomorrow for mud, food, and music...

Everyone have a safe holiday, and say a prayer and remember the soldiers and their families of past and current wars... we owe them our freedom and current well being.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


May22 , originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Great weather today, rode my scooter to work. I got a new moleskine today, it is so beautiful I'm afraid to draw in it. The cover design is by a EDM member... Ana Maria Seaton


ATC23, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

2.4 x 2.5 Beach chair - sent out on Exchange EDiM #23


ATC21, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

2.5 x 3.5 part of the flower design on my new moleskine EDiM #21


ATC22, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

2.5 x 3.5 Tiny trees - EDiM #22


May21 , originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Ron got me my very own GPS today, so of course I had to draw it. He also bought me a scanner/printer ... problem is I wanted just a plain, flat bed scanner... this thing is TOO big for my desk... so do I make room for this monster on my desk somehow... or take it back and buy what I wanted (and told him that I wanted)... tis a problem. Didn't scan my ATC card last night as it was still wet when I went to bed.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


May20Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Gotta find me some enamel paint and make an Altoid can paint box... for some reason it appeals to me.


ATC19, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Flower vase... Watercolor ATC 2.5 x 3.5


ATC20, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Forsithia (is that spelled wrong?) Watercolor ATC 2.5x3.5


ATC16, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Sunflowers in our front yard have opened up. 2.5 x 3.5 Micron and Watercolor


May17Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Ooops... this one is out of order.... I have GOT to get my own scanner


May19Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Monday - back to work, just doodles today, in my Journal, PT, and art class tonight instead of Wednesday. Art class brings out my inner critic... every time I go I tell myself I won't go is so frustrating... then the next week rolls around and I go again. We don't have class next week and I have my 3 day workshop... with Tony Hasselt.


May18Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Travel day, not much time to draw when you spend the whole day in the Jeep.


May16Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Spent the morning running errands... then the rest of the day driving to NC... so no time to draw.


May15Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

I spend way too much time in waiting rooms, so I drew a corner of one at St Francis today.

psst I'm way behind scanning and posting...


ATC18, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Daisies... 2.5x3.5


ATC17, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

I liked the drawing and then couldn't stay in the lines painting it...


ATC15, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Jonquils or daffodils are all gone now. WC on 2.5 x 3.5 140 Cold pressed paper

Monday, May 19, 2008


ATC14, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


May14, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

My new 'beach' cart worked perfect for hauling my easel, chair, art supplies, and side table at class tonight... snagged at Wal-mart in the garden dept of all places.. that's also where I found a small folding plastic table that worked much better than laying my supplies on the ground... my poor back was very pleased.


ATC14, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Yet another unidentified wildflower that I picked on my walk this morning... it was very delicate and small... and withered up before I got back to my office.. made me sorry I picked it.
Micron pen and watercolor on 140 lbs cold pressed 2.5x3.5

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


May13Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

I'm really disappointed with the scan on the grapes... it does not reflect the nice purple I mixed on the page... I'm actually very pleased with my grapes... but they look pretty sad here.


May12Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Clipped a bud and a bloom off the rose bush on my way out the door this morning... plucked them in a coffee cup at work... I love yellow roses


ATC13, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

EDiM had to do another view of my rose.
Micron pen and watercolor on 140lbs cold press 2.5x3.5

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


May11Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Wonder where my baby is? She didn't call me today. I did have a nice chat with my Mom today. My baby brother took her to church and out to lunch today.


May10Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Lots of hard work - picking up other people's trash... but I was proud of how the area looked when we were done.

My jeep club's website is found here.... Palmetto Jeep Club


ATC11, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

My House Finches babies have fledged and everyone is eating the thistle in the hanging feeder these days.


ATC12, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

EDiM - this one is a Dandilion... why does everyone hate them so much?