Saturday, July 18, 2015


Combined this week's Sketchbook School DOTS homework with the Velazquez Palette that I learned about in Chicago.  All colors were allowed to dry before the next color was added, so these are glazes using just 3 colors. 

This 8 1/2" square journal is too big for me to scan a 2 page spread, but on the facing page I did the same sort of glazing using my two other yellows and all three blues, I added my cool red to the top, and my warm red to the bottom… interesting exercise.

#ICAD48 Ink blot monsters… this is brown ink, with eyes added using a red Derwent paint pen. The ink was dropped on the page then a straw used to blow the ink around.

My Sketchbook Skool homework ink blot monster… very messy and probably not something I'd try again… 


  1. Looks like you are having so much fun. Enjoy yourself

    1. Thanks Polly… too hot here to do much outside these days so indoors messing with paint beats housework any day :-)
